In case you missed the memo: Personally, I hate video games. So, I give kids as much grief as possible when I see them playing them. Especially kids I like. Yes, it's true: You only hurt the ones you love.
Where was I?
Right. At the dog show in Sacramento - BELOW: Spencer with his Best of Breed ribbon (and me) (and Cathy's finger? Thumb?): That's him after winning, doing his sit up trick. This trick has back-fired on occasion. Mostly in obedience training. I think it's cute. But I think I've been instructed not to tell him to sit up anymore. I think. Oh well - I'm busted.

It's cute! JJ, Ebbtide Careful What You Wish, also won a first in Bred By Exhibitor (no photo - thank you, RYAN) and brother Beau, Ebbtide Wish Upon A Rainbeau, a 2nd in 12-18 months with Judi Scherrer handling:

Judi likes to watch the competition. Free tip of the day: Better to concentrate on your own dog.
These photos courtesy Team Ebbtide member Cathy Baird (Beau's owner).
She was NOT playing video games. Thank you, Cathy.
OK - feel I need to comment on a few things here...
#1 I agree, "pretty Please" is very cute. I don't mind it when he's been asked to to do it. It's those spontaneous "aren't I cute?" moments that cause the trouble... like on a front!
#2 As clearly instructed by non-other then the big boss Ann herself, Judi is polite in the ring and asks the competition if they are ready to move out when the judge asks them too.... Jeezzzee!
#3 Ryan loves you too.
Ahhh - you were asking if they were ready! I couldn't see that - I was just remembering a previous photo of you looking the same...see CowPal post...
I hope you were smiling as you wrote all that!
But of course I was smiling...
Ryan says "I forgot that the camera had dead batteries otherwise I would have found a way to rip my eyes and fingers away from my beloved PSP...."
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