That perennial over-achiever, "Gotcha" (Ebbtide Gonna Getcha CD RA GSN JSN RSN) apparently saved her best performance EVER in Novice B Obedience when I wasn't there: a smokin' 198 for FIRST PLACE under judge Stephanie Gomez. All reports say she was right on the money...and very cute, too. Owner/trainer/handler Susan Gore reports that was her last chance to qualify for ASCA Obedience Invitational...we're hoping that did it! Don't they all look happy? Nice photo.

Oh. Wait. She also then trotted on over to the Altered Conformation competition where she was also quite cute enough for WINNERS BITCH and 2 more points! Thanks, Raine, for stepping in to handle Gotcha. Sunday brought an ALTERED RESERVE WINNERS BITCH for Miss G. So close...! Note to Trish (her newly-trained and very competent conformation handler): You wimp. That's right: No breaks here... ;-)

Another amazing Ebbtide Brains + Beauty winner! Thanks, Susan & Trish, for working so hard to let everyone see what Gotcha can do!
Not to be outdone, Gotcha's half-brother, "Fennel", Ebbtide Fennel Hill CD, and owner/trainer/handler Laurie Rubin were also working hard in Open B Obedience, where Fennel finished his CDX and won SECOND PLACE IN OPEN B, with a very respectable 195.5 score! Laurie reports Fennel has qualified in 18 performances in a row...but as soon as she said that, he then NQ'd. Don't you just love those incredibly smart Ebbtide dogs!?!? ;-) I'm not worried - stay tuned for many more wonderful things from this talented dog! Sadly, since Fennel's conformation handler (me) was out of state, he didn't get a chance to strut his stuff in the conformation ring...Laurie says ASCA Nationals will be his next conformation stop?! hmmmm...
Poor Jack the Sheltie: I forgot to report Trish & Jack took a second place (194.5) to Susan & Gotcha. He's sorta an honorary Ebbtide dog. Way to go, Jack.
Yeah! Jack made the blog!!! He was SO HAPPY for his "sister" when she took the blue ribbon!!! And, he happily cheered her on all day. Gotcha was awesome this weekend.
Congrats to tail boy!! AWESOME job with Gotcha!! Brains and beauty, can't beat that!
Hi Ann! I found this site and have been trying to figure out how I can contact you through it! the only way I could see was through comments! I'm sure you remember me better as Betsy LaSavio. You bred Duffy, my favoritest dog in the whole wide world! or Ebbtides Times up Duffy.
I wanted to catch up with you, if you'd like you can e-mail me at
thanks! hope to talk to you soon!
elisabeth (Betsy) lasavio
Hey, how did I miss this???? Way to go Gorgeous Gotcha and Jack and Fennel. There's just no stopping those Ebbtide babies! Whoohooo!!!
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