We took a drive up to Cal Expo for Sacramento Kennel Club's show on Saturday. Judi & I took JJ (Ebbtide Careful What You Wish, age 14 mos) and Spencer (CH Ebbtide Fine Fellow CD), and we met Cathy with Beau (Ebbtide Wish On A Rainbeau) there. Judi's & Spencer's 2 kids, Rachel & Ryan, also tagged along. Ryan was
supposed to take some photos for us to post on this blog. However, the hand-held video game proved waaayy more interesting than JJ winning the Bred By class or Spencer winning BEST OF BREED and showing in the Herding Group competition. Perhaps I'm wrong, and Ryan will send me a photo to include here...??
Judi showed Beau to a 2nd place, and I got to show Spencer this time ;-) We had a great time despite the warm building. JJ is blowing coat right now and looks a little....sparse. He'll take a break from shows, but will continue his obedience/rally/agility/herding endeavors.
Enjoy this past photo of CH Spencer CD:

NOT!! That's JJ (Ebbtide Careful What You Wish age 14 months)!
See Ryan: You shoulda took a picture...!
Congrats Spencer! And, to "THE JJ" who landed his pic on Spencer's brag page!!!!!
JJ is sitting there, still waiting for the photos Ryan took at CalExpo..of Spencer. Ryan???
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