See page 10-11 in the Plus Size catalog here Those are two Ebbtide dogs: left: "Emmy" Ebbtide Wish Come True CGC owned by Pam and Harold Michalek and myself, and right, "Spencer" BBXBIS AKC/ASCA CH Ebtide Fine Fellow CD, working it for Lands' End last April. "Spencer" is owned by Judi Scherrer and myself and I was the lone dog wrangler for this gig. This vineyard was just a few miles from our house. The lovely human model was a charming woman, originally from Texas, now from NYC.
It was a hot, hot day that day and a couple rattlesnakes were seen up at the staging area. Not a single word of the 100 degree heat was heard from any models. Me, on the other hand...
We also worked two days doing more LE photo shoots out near Bodega Bay on a big ranch. "JJ" AKC/ASCA CH Ebbtide Careful What You Wish, was also an "accessory" model and had some beautiful shots taken out on the coast in a rock outcrop...I'd love to see those.

This is a shot taken by the ranch owner - Emmy and Spencer again.
It was an exciting experience and challenging work at times, doing some distance, off-leash walking with the models with 2 and 3 dogs. The sitting and cuddling shots were a piece of cake.
Hope to see more of the dogs in Lands' End fall catalogs soon! But, who knows..