Here's what happened:
Thursday: Qualifying score of 193.5 andFIRST PLACE NOVICE A OBEDIENCE!
Friday: Qualifying score of 195 and

"Zayvee" Ebbtide Google's Gambol
WOW!! This is Warren's first dog he's trained for competition obedience. Nice work.
I was unable to be there to see his work, but reports say it was darn near perfect and awe-inspiring. I'm never in the right place at the right time...
Zayvee chose to liven things up on Saturday and Sunday when Warren found out the hard way how frustrating obedience can be when smart little dogs chose to "change things up" (Zayvee took a little spin on the long sits..). Hmmm, doesn't the breed standard say the aussie "goes about his work with great style and enthusiasm"?!? Zayvee, that doesn't count in obedience..
I know Zayvee will be back on track in a jiffy, and earning more class placements and high scores! Stay tuned...
Susan (The Official "G" Litter Scorekeeper, owned by Gotcha) informs me that when Zayvee earns his one more leg in Novice Obedience, that will bring the total to 4 of the littermates from the "G" Litter to have earned their CD! And all of them did it with similar scores and placements! (Susan - do you you have those stats?) Anyway - Wow, wow, wow! Thanks to owner/handlers Warren, Judie, Susan and Ariela for putting in such great training! Mom "Maddie" (EBBTIDE MADAM PRESIDENT CD) is on her way to ROM thanks to Zayvee, Howdy, Naya & Gotcha. And let's not forget dad, "Baron", CH Rainedance Written In Stone OA AXJ, for his contribution. Without him, none of this would've been possible ;-)
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