photos by David Wong
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Zayvee's First Agility Trial
photos by David Wong
Thursday, June 18, 2009
That's "Emmy" Ebbtide Handful Of Wishes, on the left, and her well-dressed brother, "JJ", Ebbtide Careful What You Wish, as they posed for their Ofiicial Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Photo:
Emmy and JJ just completed a 12 week obedience class with Trainer Lissa Wall at Tails-A-Waggin' Dog Obedience School in Santa Rosa, CA . (Thanks, Lissa - It was fun!) Emmy is owned and trained by Pam Michalek. (JJ is my dog...but you might have known that). This past Monday night they performed brilliantly on the 10 Test Items, which, in upholding The Ebbtide Golden Rule, they passed with ease.
You can read all about the 10 Test Items you must perform to earn a CGC Certificate right here:
You can also find an evaluator and/or class to train and take the test, by scrolling down on that site.
Personally, I think every dog should be trained for at least their CGC - And I'll add Rally Novice to that! Besides, it's fun and your dog will love you MORE for taking him/her to class and training at home. Really.
The CGC Test stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs.
AKC awards a certificate, NOT a title for this simple test (in other words, CGC is NOT part of their registered name). CGC is a great starting point towards earning Rally, Obedience, Agility and even Herding and Tracking titles. Your veterinarian will also appreciate a dog that has passed his CGC test.
I know there are lots of Ebbtide dogs out there who started with their CGC, and I applaud you! Get yourself and your dog to a class now and join our ranks!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's A Bird. It's A Plane. No. It's DASH!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Panda Does A Michael Phelps: Swims Great AND WINS BIG
Nancy snapping off the leash at the creek. FYI: It was soda in the cup.
Then, below, she's doing the famous Fern-Bubble-Blowing-In-Water Trick (I didn't know that was an inherited trait):
Below: Panda NOT drowning (relax, Nancy):
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What Is An ROM? Good Question...And What About HALL OF FAME?
"What is an ROM?"
It stands for Record of Merit. The United States Australian Shepherd Association (USASA) has a program to honor stud dogs, dams and breeders who have produced a certain amount of obedience, rally, agility, conformation champion, herding and tracking titled dogs.
Sound confusing? Don't worry, even us vintage ;-) breeders have difficulty with the program.
Here is a link to the ROM qualifications:
In my last post, I mentioned Maddie (EBBTIDE MADAM PRESIDENT CD) was near her ROM. Wrong. She has surpassed requirements. The catch: I have to mail in the form along with copies of her titled offspring's (1) AKC registration and (2) the actual titles earned from AKC.
Here's where you can help me: Send me copies of any AKC titles that are on the above linked list that any Ebbtide dogs have earned. Include a copy of said Ebbtide dog's AKC registration. Then I can start asemblying all this paperwork and submit it to USASA by Feb, 1 2010 to receive ROMs for Maddie, Rainy (CH Ebbtide Chateau Souverain), Gatsbee (CH Ebbtide A Bee In Your Bonnet CD), and maybe some other Ebbtide dogs.
I'd also like to offer incentive to any Ebbtide dogs to earn a HS (HERDING STARTED) degree .
I think all EBBTIDE needs are 2 AKC Herding Started (your choice - Cattle, sheep or ducks) titled dogs to qualify for Hall of Fame Kennel! We need to get back in the herding arena and get that done. Here's the link to the Hall Of Fame Kennel rules:
You will see Hall of Fame abbreviated as HOF on pedigrees.
You can mail all those copies to me at 1265 Wilson Road, Cloverdale, CA 95425. And thanks! I need to get this done so I can mark it off my Bucket List.
Lesson Over.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Where Warren and Zayvee Have Big Fun In The Obedience Ring
Here's what happened:
Thursday: Qualifying score of 193.5 andFIRST PLACE NOVICE A OBEDIENCE!
Friday: Qualifying score of 195 and

"Zayvee" Ebbtide Google's Gambol
WOW!! This is Warren's first dog he's trained for competition obedience. Nice work.
I was unable to be there to see his work, but reports say it was darn near perfect and awe-inspiring. I'm never in the right place at the right time...
Zayvee chose to liven things up on Saturday and Sunday when Warren found out the hard way how frustrating obedience can be when smart little dogs chose to "change things up" (Zayvee took a little spin on the long sits..). Hmmm, doesn't the breed standard say the aussie "goes about his work with great style and enthusiasm"?!? Zayvee, that doesn't count in obedience..
I know Zayvee will be back on track in a jiffy, and earning more class placements and high scores! Stay tuned...
Susan (The Official "G" Litter Scorekeeper, owned by Gotcha) informs me that when Zayvee earns his one more leg in Novice Obedience, that will bring the total to 4 of the littermates from the "G" Litter to have earned their CD! And all of them did it with similar scores and placements! (Susan - do you you have those stats?) Anyway - Wow, wow, wow! Thanks to owner/handlers Warren, Judie, Susan and Ariela for putting in such great training! Mom "Maddie" (EBBTIDE MADAM PRESIDENT CD) is on her way to ROM thanks to Zayvee, Howdy, Naya & Gotcha. And let's not forget dad, "Baron", CH Rainedance Written In Stone OA AXJ, for his contribution. Without him, none of this would've been possible ;-)