Anyway: Today's blog was going to have incredibly cute puppy photos of the WISH Litter (CH. Tri-Ivory Make A Big Wish x CH Ebbtide Fern), who were born one year ago.
So, here are the teeny tiny photos I'm able to "share" from Snapfish:
Well, live and learn: Who out there can help me with storing digital photos then using them on my blog? And it has to be simple. Really simple. Remember, I can't even do that Facebook thing well......(oh shut up.)
But, enough about me: The pups have all grown into lovely teenage Aussies with various skills, personalities, quirks and idiosyncrasies:
JJ (the best one ;-) thinks blowing air is weird, but is now over that, thanks to Ann's highly technical de-sensitivity training program (read: she gently blew on his head alot and praised him alot). But don't go blowing in his face every time you see him or I will smack you. Really. He can also leap small buildings in a single bound..must get a photo of that on the blog soon. But for now, enjoy this amazing display of JJ practicing for his Tracking Degree and an impressive recall. (You might want to turn down your volume.)
Yeah...amazing...I'm pretty blown away by all that, too....
Tim apparently (I haven't seen this) can catch a frisbee with one already in his mouth and have two, then, in his mouth at once. Wow. Karen: We definitely need video of THAT!
Dottie knows how to finish to heel position. nice. Thanks for that, #2 - Trish, her Guardian Angel and Trainer. Hmm. MY dogs never call me that...

Dottie (left) enjoying a kiss from Aunt Gotcha --- what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Emmy looks very cute riding in "her" blue (yes. as in merle) mustang. Actually, she looks pretty cute doing just about anything. Nothing wrong with looking cute - it earns high marks here ;-)
Cali - well, she's another one of those over-achievers that #1 has trained to do all kinds of things already: in fact, I was told she'd be in an obedience match this Sunday (ooohhhh). And yes, I WILL stand there and watch. With my camera. Time we train these dogs to work with me around. Are you listening, Spencer???
Beau remains one of the sweetest, calmest and kindest male dogs I've had the pleasure of producing - he reminds me of some of my old beloved stud dogs : Remy, Ebenezer and Blarney rolled into one. And he has, it appears, lived up to his puppy name of Andre the Giant.
Izzy has proved that his rapid assessments and natural doggy intelligence is quite useful in training certain beloved, unsuspecting people. A quick intro to the slip collar has made some nice changes there. A chain slip collar can be your new best friend, too ;-).
Capri (in snowy Wisconsin) is smokin' the agility class there as well as earning high, high cute marks in her outings to shows and training classes. Thanks to Ariela's brilliant training, many good things due from this one. And did I mention she's been herding sheep in her spare time? (ooohhh #1 has some serious competition, I'd say).
Panda and Nancy (Texas) made an impressive showing at Nationals and Panda keeps Nancy hopping, for sure. Nancy says Panda will be at the 2009 ASCA Nationals back in Greeley, CO in October. Roadtrip!!!!
Dash is Dr. Dash during the day at his owner's veterinary hospital in Santa Rosa and is also showing great promise on the agility course. He beat Mr JJ at the SVASC Specialty in Dixon last October. But we won't hold that against him ;-) JJ says "Bring it on" (You ARE an idiot sometimes, JJ ...)
So much for the Big Brag section I had planned for this post... N0 - we have real reports. Stay tuned. Send me your personal reports and I'll include update this post with them. And send big photos while you're at it...
Happy Birthday!
happy bday, wish litter. with an extra big piece of cookie going to my special girl, dottie dumpling!
I think I made it on to your blog site just in time to wish the 'wish litter' a very happy 1st b'day.
Emmy is spending a quiet rainy day with her buddies, 2 legged and 4.
#2 - Great photo! What breed? Also, I'm a little confused at your name : "Identity"?? You'll always be just good ole #2 to me...
Riloli - Welcome!! And aren't you cute, too ;-) Time to send in our training class forms?!
#2 - What did #3 think of That Special Photo on this post? Not to mention JJ's video?!?!!! I know: "JJ is a great tracking and obedience dog."
Ann - holstein ... dairy cattle. right? gotta fix my name and change the 'identity' part.... can you take a picture of JJ with sheep? cause i bet he's a great herding dog, too! just saw that you want pics of the 'G' litter - yippee!!!!
yippee!!!! the pic of dottie and gotcha's made the blog!!!! dottie was such a good littler traveler to vegas. gotcha and she got along so well ... they were best buds at night when they were allowed to play free in the room: jump on the bed and play with toys. the comforter was COVERED in aussie fur when we left ... hope the house cleaners had some special way to get it off ... otherwise i feel bad for the next renters!!!!!!
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