Saturday's show was attended without any Ebbtide groupies...which made JJ sad. Especially since we ended up grooming surrounded by Irish Setters and German Shepherds. Nice dogs, don't get me wrong: But have you noticed how Aussies LOVE being with their own? Saturday's show ended up with JJ 2nd out of 2. I always wonder in these situations: Were we Second Best or Last Place?? hmm. Sad to say: I think " last place"...
Sunday improved with the attendance of brother Beau (Ebbtide Wish On A Rainbeau) and a first time visit with the Stephens Family's new puppy, Luci, from our good friend Tina Beck. JJ was thrilled to meet Luci - his first red tri friend - I'm proud of JJ expanding his color palette of friends ;-) Here is photo of Luci with the toy JJ picked out and bought just for her:

Goldcrest "Luci Stephens" - honorary Ebbtide dog ;-)
Wow - those Goldcrest dogs are beauties! Thanks again to Tina for helping find a wonderful dog for Jim, Susie, Scott, Lindsey and Matt!
Back at the dog show...Jim, Susie and Cathy Baird and Beau fawned over JJ and made him much happier. Since we were one person short a handler (Judi was home with a sick kid), we abducted, I mean, borrowed a Jr Handler (Thanks, Alex the Corgi handler!) to help show Beau. Beau was a trooper and, true to Ebbtide form, went about his assigned tasks with aplomb and acceptance AND WON FIRST PLACE in OPEN BLUE MERLE dogs! JJ, being a happy camper, now that his admiring fans were in attendance (!), managed to place FIRST, and WINNERS DOG for one point! Don't poo-poo that One Point: Over the years I've been in a position of needing that dreaded One-Point-To-Finish-Your-Championship situation. Not a terribly fun place, for some reason.
So there it is: JJ has both his majors and 12 POINTS towards his AKC Championship. Brother Beau will be next in line to go forward and conquer. He's looking good and showing well.
Here is an action shot Jim took of JJ and I in the Best of Breed competition:

JJ and me in the center spot. Winners Dog, Wine Country KC, 11-8-09
He DOES have a neck!!