Three and a half hours north of our home is where you can "find" The Lost Coast
WHERE else would Fern go for the Fourth of July weekend, except Ferndale? She went to cheer on her son, JJ, at the Lost Coast Kennel Club shows: JJ (EBBTIDE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH) wins three Firsts, WINNERS DOG for 1 point and Reserve Winners Dog (bridesmaid - no points). That puts JJ at 13 points, 2 majors in AKC. He is in his "summer clothes" (read: shedding ALOT), so I'm not sure when his next outing will be...
In obedience, Fern's brother, ASCA A-CH EBBTIDE FENNEL HILL CD (ASCA CDX) "FENNEL" competes in Open A , winning SECOND PLACE and EARNS HIS AKC CDX TITLE! Sunday, he had a lovely work for FIRST PLACE with a 196! Congratulations to Fennel and owner/trainer/handler Laurie Rubin!
We watched and encouraged new Aussie exhibitor Teresa King & Rainedance Ticket To Mischief "Emmit" (he's related to the Ebbtide "G" Litter ;-) in Rally Novice A. They won a first place on Saturday and qualified both days. Yay Teresa, Emmit & RJ! Teresa has inspired me to get hoppin' with Fern in Rally.
We had an afternoon show-time on Sunday, so the dogs and I went exploring in the morning. Here's what we found:
An old barn in a beautiful spot...there are LOTS of beautiful spots
A beautiful Brown Swiss heifer in a field on the outskirts of Ferndale. This breed produces a high percentage of butterfat in their milk. In the 1800's, the prosperous dairy industry provided the economic base for Ferndale and cattle like this provided an abundance of milk: They can be thanked for their part in Ferndale's splendidly ornate buildings, known as 'Butterfat Palaces".
Ferndale Victorian homes

Back on the Lost Coast: Ranch AND Ocean view and cooling breezes...I could live there...
Back on the Lost Coast: Ranch AND Ocean view and cooling breezes...I could live there...